Sunday, June 23, 2013

Season of my life

so I know this is my current season of my life.  I'm not arguing that. I have three little ones - 5 1/2, 3 1/2, 1 1/2.... my life is busy. Very busy with just the everyday survival.  I spent more Sundays in the nursery then I do in the sanctuary. Granted I get to spend some time fellowshipping and catching up with other moms but boy is it hard sometimes. There are some days I don't have time for quiet time with God, there are some days that my prayers are just to help me get through the day. I look forward to church and being nourished with the Word.

I want to remember these days. I want in 20 years to not be the grandmother who says 'I've done my time, I did that when my children where that age, I served my time in the nursery'.  I want to be the grandmother or Titus 2 woman who comes along a struggling, tired, and overwhelmed mom and offer to watch her kids so she can have 45 minutes of alone time with God.  To give her some time to be refreshed and encouraged, knowing that on Monday my house will be quiet and empty and I'll be able to spend all day in God's word if I so desire.

I want to be that woman who ministers to young moms, who gives hugs, a surprise meal, and new journal or book, anything to let her know that I am thinking of her, understanding her, and praying for her.  I don't want to look harshly at a mom who's baby or child is fussy and make her feel like a failure. I want to look at her lovingly and say 'it will get better, these days will pass', I want her to know that I understand and I sympathize with her.  I don't want her to ever think that I had perfect children who never screwed up, I want her to know that there were nights I would sit in bed and cry because I just felt like a failure.  I want her to know that I too lost my temper and yelled too much and too often. I want her to know that life is hard and raising child is hard and raising children the right way is even harder.  I want to be there for her to listen and encourage not to tell her what she's doing wrong or the way I used to do it.

I want to remember these days and how I feel so I can be a help to someone in the future.

*Can you tell the children are winning today and I am feeling very discouraged?

1 comment:

  1. Jess, you are such a wonderful friend to me and I appreciate the guidance and love that you have given me. I see how patient and kind you are with your children and I strive to be like that with Josephine in the future. I hope you get a few moments to relax and spend time with God who has made you such a kind woman with a huge heart. I look forward to more 'play dates' with you and the kiddos, it's very refreshing just to sit and chat ! Sending lots of love and uplifting prayers your way :)
