Thursday, August 29, 2013

oh a little of that

so if you read my last post - Following Through - it might be no surprise that I haven't posted in a couple days.

Life just gets in the way and I haven't found my groove for craving out time just for blogging yet. I still like sleep and am not willing to give that up. :)

But I have been busy around here, for one - I lost my cell phone and have been tearing this house apart trying to find it.  Hasn't happened yet, that thing is GONE! So finally today we decided to go ahead and purchase a new one which is not how I wanted to spend any extra money we have. sigh.... some days.

I am starting school on Tuesday with my two oldest ones (will be 6 & 4 in a couple weeks). But already Wednesday is a special day when school won't get done, I've been putting it off so that we could have uninterrupted school time but now I realize that just doesn't happen when you homeschool.  Life is homeschooling, and you have to work with what you have and what will be happening around you and use those for life lessons. I have also slacked off on some of Lydia's exercises that help her with some development issues and we have noticed a huge difference in her - and not in a good way. I really need to start those again and see if we can get some of these emotional outbursts under control.

I am also working with a dear friend to put on a 2nd-hand indoor sale for local moms. There is already one that is hugely successful and happens twice a year in a town close by but I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. So we decided to have a smaller one and see how it goes.  I am hoping to make some $$$ to put aside for 1) my new cell phone and 2) Allume :) I'm still working at saving money for that.

So speaking of school, saving money, and Allume - here's a great deal for anyone who still needs some back to school items. :)

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