Friday, August 23, 2013

Following through

I didn't follow though. I'll be honest.

But that doesn't mean I failed either.

I admit I have an issue with following through with things. I get so excited and jump right into things with two feet and if I don't finish them that day well the next day I find something else to do, and the next day there's always something more pressing and so on.  Which my homemaking binder is still half finished sitting on the counter..... I have a commitment problem and it drives Nathan crazy.  I really am trying to change that. In fact stay tuned for next week when I post about a project we did together from start to finish in just about a week... yes seriously. :)

But back to the UnWired Mom challenge.  I loved it and it really has changed my perspective, I just didn't follow through on reading the book or writing in my journal. 

I have followed through on slowly changing my attitude towards my children. And how I spend my time. I still get sucked away into the facebook world too often, but my habit of wasting time while surfing other sites is not there anymore.... I just don't have the desire to do that.  So slowly but surely I am changing, I am spending more time reading to the kiddos, playing make-up games with them, pushing them on swings, etc. 

I'm a work in progress. Just like my babies. We are on this journey together and we'll learn as we go.  I'm not going to be perfect and neither are they, but we can sure try to at least be near perfect. :)

Did you do the challenge? How did it go for you? 

UnWired ..... to what?
UnWired Mom Challenge
UnWired Mom Day 1
UnWired Mom Days 2-4

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