Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Birthday Buddy!

My little boy turned 4 yesterday.  How in the world did that happen? sigh.... how do years go so fast but days seems to drag by sometimes?

The day of his birth is a sort of blur.  It was probably one of the most traumatic days of my life. So I'm sad that I really don't remember the details of his birth. I do remember the nurses fighting over who needed to eat first - me or my son. I remember telling them, this is baby #2 I can eat and nurse so give me my food and my son! :) We were out of the hospital and on our way home just shy of 24 hours. Now that was awesome, and paved the way for the same thing with baby #3. :)

Here's to you my little 'buddy' boy. Who promises to always be my big little boy. :)

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