Wednesday, February 27, 2013

desperate: taming the beast of housework

Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe

I have a confession.

I hate to clean.

No I mean I really hate to clean. honest to goodness I just despise it.... and I also despise myself because I hate to clean. It's really a root problem of laziness and that's what bothers me the most (and it should!).  I should not be content to be lazy but yet that's what I am doing.  I need to find the 'why' and get on with it as Sarah Mae says.

But what Sally shared really hit home with me... it's so much more about my attitude towards taking care of my family - as if I take it personally that they make messes.

these passages stopped me cold:

pg 108
"Yeah, I agree. The way my mom acts about housework, always complaining, fussing, and running about lecturing us just makes us feel guilty, so whatever my future holds, it will not involve a house full of kids and messes - it just seems too hard."  ouch, ouch, ouch. 

pg 109
"they most certainly will say, "I always felt guilty in my home because my mom was never happy, and she complained all the time. It was a such a relief to leave.""  whew... talk about making you take a step back to look at what you are portraying to your young babies. 

Am I telling my children that they are a joy to raise and take care of or am I telling them they are a burden and a job I don't want? 

This chapter was so eye opening and heart pounding... they aren't going to lecture you or tell you exactly what you should be doing... but they are going to guide and direct you in helping to find your balance and joy in taking care of your family. 

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